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Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish

Helping others navigate and transform their careers

Have you ever felt confused about your career or company and not sure where it is going? Ron Bremner’s job is to help you navigate through that. He finds joy in working with his clients to look at work with a new perspective. Over time, he finds that those clients become friends – because seeing their growth gives Ron immense pride.

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Leadership and Government Stuart McNish Leadership and Government Stuart McNish

Being the face of a political party

“You’re always the face of the party – that’s just a reality.” As leader of the British Columbia Conservative Party, going to new places and showing up is a large part of John Rustad’s job. That is nothing new to him, as someone who grew up in Prince George and having jobs that took him all over the province with all kinds of different experiences. As someone who takes all kinds of opportunities, this worked perfectly into his journey into business and, eventually, politics.

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Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish

Discovering a career along the waterfront

As the president of Neptune Terminals, there are no typical days for Megan Owen-Evans, but some days can get long – but it is an element of the job that she loves. This is a job she never considered when she was going to school. In fact, she thought she would be a doctor but didn’t end up finishing that journey. Instead, she worked in various jobs and realized that her dreams lay elsewhere. Finally returning to school, she had a fresh plan and different direction.

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Building relationships between government and infrastructure projects

Mark Liedemann is great at relationship management – his job as CEO of Infrastructure BC calls for it, helping to cultivate the relationships between government and builders of infrastructure around British Columbia. To get to where he is today, it was a journey through a biochemistry degree, teaching in Germany, the banking industry, a business degree, and more.

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Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish

Providing data to businesses to make informed decisions

Businesses need information to make informed decisions – and that is what Ken Peacock is here for. In his role at the Business Council of British Columbia, he takes information from the provincial government and connects it with business leaders for feedback and development. He didn’t start out wanting to be an economist – but he had a curiosity to understand how the world worked. At the advice of a professor, he went into economics. This changed his life and career path.

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The passion for paramedics to be treated fairly

Troy Clifford identifies as a paramedic, but his mission is much more. He is the president of a union for ambulance and paramedics union, which is also the profession’s de-facto organization in British Columbia. His role is to support its workers and be the face of BC’s ambulance service.

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Agriculture, Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish Agriculture, Professional and Corporate Stuart McNish

Collaborating and taking initiative to get ahead

Christine Mallier’s passion for sustainability landed her a dream job, but she didn’t get there immediately. She worked in everything from events, customer service, public relations, and more – and that gave her a chance to know almost every department of her company and how to best work with each of them.

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