Turning struggles into successes through determination

Guest: Ellis Ross (MLA of Skeena, former Haisla First Nation Chief Councillor)

Ellis Ross is shaking things up these days. He’s focused on attracting opportunity to the riding he represents in the BC Legislature. That is work that compounds and adds to the same focus he brought to his role of Chief Councillor of the Haisla First Nation.

Ross says his journey forward was propelled out of necessity. First, he wanted to ensure he was healthy and educated. Next, he wanted to participate in the well-being of his community, physically, psychologically and financially. That led him into local politics, which led to a career in provincial politics.

In this episode of Careers That Matter, Ellis Ross takes us inside his career – a career that is making a difference.


Having the magic touch to develop industrial properties


Helping others lead healthier and more active lives