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Researching cancer and making use of discoveries
Dr. Sam Aparicio of BC Cancer, studying medicine was always the plan, but research became his passion. Unbeknownst to him, research also involves many skills that didn’t expect, such as grant-writing, which he had to learn along the way. This led him down other side pathways, such as starting a biotech company to commercialize some of the findings in the genomics field.
Discovering skills that you don’t know you have
For James Donaldson, there is never a dull moment. It is his job to spot anything that negatively impacts members of the food and beverage industry in British Columbia. In other words, he looks out for their interests. This is not a role that James thought he’d end up in – when he graduated, he didn’t have a plan or clarity on what he wanted to do. Eventually he entered the food industry, which gave him the opportunity to learn more about himself and what he can bring to the table.
Balancing stakeholder interests and public policy
Balancing acts are nothing new to Christine Kennedy. As president of Woodfibre LNG, which is essentially a giant construction project, she has to balance relations with First Nations, local residents, and project stakeholders.