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Discovering writing as a happy part of the job
Jennifer Geary is a writer but it may surprise people that she didn’t like to write. It started out of necessity as a chief operating officer, when she discovered that there was no how-do guide or book on that role. So she decided to give it a shot herself and it has morphed into a “happy part” of what she does.
The passion for paramedics to be treated fairly
Troy Clifford identifies as a paramedic, but his mission is much more. He is the president of a union for ambulance and paramedics union, which is also the profession’s de-facto organization in British Columbia. His role is to support its workers and be the face of BC’s ambulance service.
Construction: The untold entrepreneurial story
What’s the easiest way to start your own business? Learn a trade, says Chris Gardner, who is President of the Independent Contractors Association of British Columbia. It was not a straight line to where he is today.
Doing a job that schools can't prepare you for
Heading up a real estate association is not a job you can go to school to learn. That’s because it's a rare position and schools can’t prepare you for this type of position. The job is part visionary, leader, guiding hand, advocate and so much more.