Making a difference through sport and fitness

Guest: Rosalin Miles (Exec. Director, Indigenous Physical Activity & Cultural Circle)

Rosalin Miles does not identify herself by her academic credentials, nor does she say, “I am a person in this job at that institution.” For Rosalin, it’s her passion for health, sports, recreation, fitness and activity that define her role.

Rosalin is the founder and Executive Director of the Indigenous Physical Activity and Cultural Circle. For the past 32 years, Dr Miles has been working in the sports, fitness, education and health field in a variety of disciplines: as a Division One level NCAA coach, a registered kinesiologist, an active release therapist, a college and university instructor, a researcher, a nationally awarded certified strength and conditioning specialist, and as a national level athlete.

In this episode of Careers That Matter, Dr Rosalin Miles takes us inside her career: a career that is making a difference in the lives of thousands of people.


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